July 1, 2010
Grey October Day – from the Mercury entered album Talking With Strangers, features Robert Fripp, Tim Bowness, Alistair Murphy, Simon Nicol, Ian McDonald and Julianne Regan amongst others, has been superbly reviewed worldwide, and the single will be issued as a download, CD EP and limited vinyl, and you could be involved…
From 26th June 2010, the entire file stems for this track will be available from www.cromerzone.co.uk, and you will be able to construct your own remix, in whatever style you like. It needs to be made 3 mins long (max), and the only rule, no ‘effects’ can be put on Judy or Tim ‘s vocals.
Otherwise, the floor is yours, do whatever you think best, and see what you can achieve with this superb track…
Terms of remix:
- The 10 tracks that Judy and Tim consider best will be released as ‘official B sides downloads’ on Monday October 18th 2010, via Brilliant!/Genepool/Universal
- The winning track will additionally be released on the CD, EP, and the limited vinyl
- Each version will count towards overall chart success, and the single will be heavily promoted to help achieve this
- Each artist chosen will be accounted too, and paid a small % royalty of the tracks overall nett profits, 6 months after release. A simple one page licence release form will be agreed and signed
- The closing date for mixed and mastered tracks is Friday 30th July 2010 at midnight. No late entries will be accepted, and Judy Dyble’s decision, via her management company is final
- All entries are to be submitted via email, to judydybleremix@gmail.com
- Any enquiries to the same address