Wednesday’s Centrozoon performance was polished and confident, but the emphasis on the more beat-orientated aspects of our work, made it a less charming and satisfying experience than usual for me.
Sunday’s church setting provided an ideal atmosphere for relaxed excursions into the heart of the music, whereas the more conventional and organised nature of this performance meant that we were restricted in terms of where we could take the songs.
Despite this, we played well enough for the assembled cameras and people, and delivered acceptable versions of ‘Bigger Space’, ‘Make Me Forget You’ and ‘The Me I Knew’, as well as a bizarrely fiery rendition of the usually delicate ‘Skylight’.
Next stop Berlin, and an attempt to fuse the best aspects of the last two gigs.
Glen Cambell’s ‘Wichita Lineman’ finally gave way to a temporary obsession with David McWilliams’ ‘The Days Of Pearly Spencer’ and Procul Harum’s ‘A Salty Dog’, as myself and die mensch-maschine prepared the backing tracks for the new Centrozoon opus.
Our journey to Hannover (via ‘Minden the beautiful’) was accompanied by a spontaneous re-appreciation of the Cure’s back catalogue and innumerable traffic hold-ups (not just a British disease, as I found out).
The recording of ‘Green Blood’ went well enough and on being told that The Scorpions had regularly recorded in the studio, saw Markus transformed into a Hard Rock hero a la Michael Schenker, and his trusty Warr Guitar mysteriously take on the shape of the classic flying-v.
Given his recent interest in Grave Digger, I could only conclude that Centrozoon, ‘The Metal Years’ is an imminent prospect.